about sarah

My goal is to provide empowering and practical etiquette classes to build confidence and respect.
history & founding
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to teach, never wavering from the idea that I would earn a degree in education and become a teacher.
In 1995, I had my first child and decided to stop teaching and stay home with him. I still had this creativity and longing for teaching, and as much as I loved being a mom, I also felt a need to help others in an educational way. With a degree in education, I trotted to the public library and checked out all the books on etiquette I could find. I was inspired by a class I had taken at age 14 that gave me so much confidence called “A Polished Performance” at Neiman Marcus in Dallas, Texas. When I came home from that class and exclaimed to my mother “we should be doing this and this!”, she patiently replied, “I’ve been trying to teach you these things for 14 years, Sarah, but it took someone else for you to hear them.” So, I set out to write a curriculum for manners called Ps and Qs, a fun course in everyday manners.
I founded my business in 1996 with the goal of empowering and teaching children the importance of social skills and manners. I continued to invest in my education and received certifications from The Protocol School of Washington, The Emily Post Institute and The Etiquette and Leadership Institute. My goal was to create a class for boys and girls that wasn’t fussy, but rather empowering and practical. Today, my audience now includes teens, young adults and business executives.
I feel very confident that the skill I bring to the table are the best the United States has to offer. I continue to teach across the country for schools, businesses and universities. I will always be grateful for this job and the people I have met along the way.